This is releasing as soon as your shops get them! :) The shops on my auto should have them on Tuesday (because Monday is a no-mail day - God bless our veterens!), and distributors will have them later in the week.
Cinnamon Stars
Stitch count: 168 x 100
Fabric used: 35 ct. Chamomile Tea by R&R Reproductions
(This fabric is a wonderful neutral color.)
Threads used:
The Gentle Art in Mulberry, Raven, Cinnamon, Brandy,
Wood Rose, Walnut, Wheat Fields, Piney Woods, Gold Leaf,Srsaparilla,
Fudge Ripple, and Wood Trail.
Weeks Dye Works in Tiger's Eye, Sage, Galvanized, Chrysanthemum,
Molasses, Copper, Straw, and Rum Raisin.
Please note:
Although I do have Weeks Dye Works listed in the color key and in the suppliers information, the
top row of the key simply says "Gentle Art." This was an oversight, and I apologize for any
confusion. However, it is clear in the key's remaining rows which brand of fibers you'll need.
All stitches are full crosses using 1 strand of cotton over 2 linen threads.
The model stitching was done by these sweet ladies: Prudence Goodspeed and Sharon Schutjer.
(Thank you so much for your speedy stitching!)
The fabulous frame was, once again, done by Sherri Berkman at Total Framing in Fairfax, Virginia.
(Sherri, you're amazing!)
As I was walking the cat yesterday in the back yard (yes, they do make fun little cat harnesses that will make you howl with laughter as your cat gets used to it), I noticed all the beautiful red and orange leaves were already blown off of our maple tree. It made me really sad that one never knows how quickly the seasons will pass, regardless of what the calendar says.
Having said that, I'm trying not to rush this season of thanksgiving... department stores are always ready to usher in the next holiday - especially Christmas! So unless you're giving stitched gifts or having an ornament-fest, settle in with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy all those scrumptious browns and golds and reds of the this glorious season. Even if your trees are already naked and freezing.
(This was our maple back in 2011, from my Focus on Today blog.)
I'm head-over-heels in love with this design since the moment is appeared on FB yesterday - will grab it asap, thanks Paulette!
Posted by: Giovanna | November 09, 2013 at 08:24 AM
This is such a sweet design.
Posted by: Bianca | November 09, 2013 at 09:14 AM
I love the new design!! Can't wait for it to hit my LNS. The leaves are actually changing a little here in the Dallas area. Thanks for all you do for your fans!! Shelly
Posted by: Shelly | November 09, 2013 at 09:14 AM
Paulette, this is wonderful. You've been producing such great designs this year and so many too! I wanna know your secret! What are you drinking - super charged SB? ;-)
Posted by: Melissa | November 09, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Beautiful as usual! Sigh. You're my hero.
Posted by: Margaret | November 09, 2013 at 11:43 AM
I love your new design!! Especially the stars! Also, your tree is beautiful.
Posted by: Melody | November 09, 2013 at 11:58 AM
I'm in love also
Posted by: Ranae | November 09, 2013 at 11:59 AM
I adore this design; it's a must-have! I love the little scarecrow!
Posted by: Nicole | November 09, 2013 at 01:32 PM
Oh Paulette, I must, must have this new design!!! It is beautiful! I love it! Can not wait to get it in my hands and start stitching it! Also, I agree with you on some rushing Thanksgiving to get ready for Christmas! I love all the fall colors and the crispy air. Take time to enjoy each season and don't be in a hurry for the next one. Thanks for another beautiful design Paulette. Keep up the good work! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and don't forget the "bored" games with Big Daddy! :)
Posted by: Linda | November 09, 2013 at 03:45 PM
LOVE the new design... This one will have to come home to me!!!
Posted by: Jodi | November 09, 2013 at 05:37 PM
Love it, especially the fieldstone walls of the little house. You never disappoint, Paulette. :)
Posted by: Kristen from MA | November 09, 2013 at 07:10 PM
Love it! This is definitely a MUST have!
It could be up all of October and November!!!
Posted by: Marlene | November 09, 2013 at 08:06 PM
I love, love, love this design! I am a pumpkin fanatic and this design screams...YOU NEED ME, YOU MUST HAVE ME,STICH ME RIGHT NOW! You are a great designer. Thank you!
Posted by: Angela | November 10, 2013 at 08:58 AM
Love this! Not sure if I love the swirl of smoke or the stone farmhouse better. I hope my LNS is on auto.
As for rushing the seasons, last night we went into the city, and parked on Jewelers Row (it's near the restaurant and safe as houses--we weren't buying). As we were parking, I looked up and there strung across the street was a giant "Season's Greetings" and white snowflakes from every street light. I'm afraid I used the term "WTF?" only, spelled out.
Posted by: Anna | November 10, 2013 at 03:21 PM
what a sweet design. i just love the smoke coming from the house.
Posted by: Carrie P. | November 11, 2013 at 08:02 AM
Fabulous new design, Paulette! Love the colors and love the field stone on the house.
Robin in Virginia
Posted by: Robin | November 12, 2013 at 02:16 PM
That is a great design. More to add to my
"lust list".
Posted by: kielrain | November 15, 2013 at 02:59 PM
I just ordered the "Cinnamon Stars", it is so adorable . Cannot wait to get started on it. As like every stitcher, I have nothing else to work on!!! Paulette, I met you at the Dyeing to Stitch retreat and loved the design you created for us. Thank you!!!
Posted by: Bernie K. from S.W. Pennsylvania | November 20, 2013 at 11:02 PM