If you've never had the chance to travel the midwest at sunset, you're quite possibly missing out on the most perfect representation of America's beautiful countryside (in my humble opinion). I'm not very fond of long car rides, but when I can witness the Lord's blessings to us in the form of miles and miles of farmland against the backdrop of a perfectly-painted sky, it serves to be quite a peaceful distraction for me, and suddenly I have my second wind for the miles and miles of concrete ahead.
Yesterday Breanna and I headed to Des Moines, Iowa, for a cheerleading competition. We left our house when it was still dark out (then had to turn back around bc Brea forgot her skirt!), and by the time we pulled up in our driveway, it was dark again. I always keep a small camera (a Canon SD750) in my purse bc one day I finally got tired of saying, "Where is my camera when I need it??" So when I saw the gorgeous clouds in the sky on the way home, I pleaded with Breanna to find it and snap some photos for me. I think she did a great job, considering the windshield was dirty and we were driving 79 mph (don't tell Mike).
Aren't they breathtaking? I thought the way the huge plumes were almost uniform was amazing. It's funny, bc if one would see that in a painting, I'm sure he or she would think, "Those clouds aren't very realistic!" :)
Another fascinating sight to behold are the hundreds - and I do mean hundreds - of modern windmills on the horizon. I was so astounded by them, that I could hardly keep my eyes on the road. I wish so much I could have photographed them, bc they truly looked like a scene from "War of the Worlds," like structures only aliens could think of. Amazing. Breanna was able to capture a few of them, but our little camera's zoom wasn't strong enough to see them all spread out as far as OUR eyes could see them.
May the Lord continue to bless our beautiful country.
I agree...this is a beautiful country, and your pictures of "everyday" things are just another reminder of how awesome our God is! Thank you for sharing the pictures!
Posted by: Dianne | December 14, 2008 at 01:18 PM